


在一个24小时新闻循环的世界里, 网络游戏, and social media constantly distract and compete for our attention, the faculty here at 澳门金沙app下载 believe in the power of reading to instill compassion, 创造力, 正念, 以及我们学生的幸福.  

Countless studies show that reading promotes empathy, 想象力, 神经元的刺激, and heightened connectivity in the left temporal cortex.  

“The neural changes that we found associated with physical sensation and movement suggest that reading a novel can transport you into the body of the protagonist.  We already knew that good stories can put you in someone else’s shoes in a figurative sense.  Now we’re seeing that something else may be happening biologically.” 

---Gregory Berns, Researcher and Director of Emory University’s Center for Neuropolicy 

Watching film adaptations or reading online summaries like SparkNotes, 虽然可能很有趣而且节省时间, cannot compare to engaging with and connecting to the texts themselves.  学生们是在欺骗自己, as well as infringing upon the Northwood 荣誉准则, 通过替代这些来源的实际阅读.  换句话说,你被要求阅读这些书.  If so preferred, electronic (e-books) are acceptable for completing the readings. If students choose an audiobook version, we suggest listening while following along on the page.  

记住这一点, we offer you this summer’s list of required reading for returning and incoming 澳门金沙app下载 students.  Please note that all students are required to read the 所有学校读 as well as the books specific to the English course they are entering and other applicable AP courses. In this document, you will also find details of summer reading. Any questions can be directed to Noël Carmichael, Dean of Academic Affairs, carmichaeln@northwoodschool.org.  

Fostering Community Through Shared Intellectual Experience 

澳门金沙app下载's 所有学校读 is designed to foster a sense of community by encouraging a shared intellectual experience across the school. The 所有学校读 tradition at Northwood has been in place for more than thirty years. Recent titles have included The Power of Meaning (Emily Esfahani Smith), 船上的男孩(丹尼尔·詹姆斯·布朗), 另一个韦斯·摩尔:一个名字, 两种命运(韦斯·摩尔), The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives (Dashka Slater), 《坚不可摧》劳拉·希伦布兰德, 你去的地方并不是你将成为的样子(弗兰克·布鲁尼), 圣桥. Luis Rey (Thornton Wilder), Freakonomics (Steven Levitt and Stephen J. 我是马拉拉(马拉拉·尤萨夫扎伊). 每年春天, 教员委员会, staff, and administration selects a book to be read by all members of the school community before the academic year begins. 


《澳门金沙app下载》作者:Warren St. John

This book was nominated by faculty member John Spear. 这是史密斯先生的私人笔记. Spear about why he chose this book for our community:  

Outcasts United is a story of a community that comes together. 这是关于一个球队,一个教练和一个小镇. It's also about understanding and appreciating our differences and finding a common humanity. 当一群来自世界各地的人, 有着不同的信仰体系和生活经历, 聚集在克拉克斯顿这样的小地方, 乔治亚或澳门金沙app下载, 创建一个统一的社区需要付出努力. When we put in the work to get to know each other and build friendships, 由此产生的社区非常特别. Those of you who have been at Northwood for a while will recognize this as Northwood at our best, and our newcomers will soon appreciate what Outcasts United can teach us about our community. 我希望你喜欢这个夏天的全校阅读! 

《流浪者联合:一个美国小镇, 难民队, and One Woman's Quest to Make a Difference by Warren St. John.  Clarkston, Georgia, was a typical Southern town until it was designated a refugee settlement center in the 1990s, becoming the first American home for scores of families in flight from the world’s war zones—from Liberia and Sudan to Iraq and Afghanistan. Suddenly Clarkston’s streets were filled with women wearing the hijab, 孜然和咖喱的味道, and kids of all colors playing soccer in any open space they could find. 该镇也成为了卢玛·穆夫莱的家, an American-educated Jordanian woman who founded a youth soccer team to unify Clarkston’s refugee children and keep them off the streets. 这些孩子给自己取名为难民. 

For details on all summer reading requirements see this document: 点击这里


更多信息见: http://www.outcastsunited.com/home

For English Language Learners or those who need an alternate version, 还有一个青少年版可供选择: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/226441/outcasts-united-by-warren-st-john/   

We encourage students to buy their copy from Lake Placid’s independent bookstore, 书店Plus (www.thebookstoreplus.com)或从当地的独立书店购买.

有一个 audiobook Audible提供的版本: http://www.audible.com/pd/Outcasts-United-Audiobook/B002VA39PA 

也有 eBook 在Kindle和其他电子阅读器上可用的版本.

有一个 eBook copy available through Northwood’s Overdrive account. If you are interested in that version, please contact the school librarian, Ms. Martin (martins@northwoodschool.org)


